Wednesday, 17 March 2010

The Great Levelling

The episode 'The Great Levelling' is opened with the fact that the web, invented by Sir Tim Berners-Lee has just reached africa for the first time. The web is being referred to as a great leveller because it gives everyone with access to the web the power of freedom to do almost anything and also allows people to retrieve a vast amount of knowledge for free.

In my opinion the the no cost factor of the web is its most empowering and attractive feature. The appeal of the web is getting over 2billion users a day making it a revolutionary invention. The web can be accessed from the comfort of your own and virtually anything is accessible, making it a great leveller.

I will be creating a mini-wiki on my blogs holding more research and more detail on the topic 'The Virtual Revolution- The Great Leveller' soon so i will keep you all posted as to when it will be finished.

I have also realised that the programme 'The Virtual Revolution' has been uploaded to youtube, so if you are interested in watching the program click on this link ---> The Virtual Revolution

feel free to leave any comments or opinions below

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